Before that thank you very much kepada yang hantar saya. muah2!
Briefly about this place.
Its a college town and at this moment full with snow. Lots of country's song bars and i feel like living in the same town with Chuck Norris. Cuma kuda je x da. maybe winter, there all sleep in a barn. Its a very small town which the most happening place to shopping are walmat, kroger and alder beerman.
Majority is White and most minority quite even of amount.
I love OU's library. AWESOME. The books and people so nice and they encourage student to study in the greatest experience. Frankly, before arrived here i've set my mind to do my intern here and back to malaysia and work to earn money money money. But since i came here, it changes because this place make me to futher study. Because it sooo different how they treat students I really want to do so but we'll see. But alhamdulillah i have an opportunity to feel this strength where i realize it become far from me before. S
No way. This is the worst part. NO HALAL FOOD AT ALL. Serious a big problem. Most people that i told about this problem they said that" Alaaa senang je.. masaklah"x kan x leh masak kot.. makan tepung ke apa ke" save sikit bole diet"".... hahahahha... cakap memang senang..
This a cold place where the temperature about -15celcius until 2celcius. We really in need of meat but since there is no proper meat we ate ikan bilis we brought from malaysia and roti and maggi and nasi with shrimp and fish & chips($12). Plus, our room is package with alarm, sprinkler and fire detector. once berbunyik, bomba segala pertolongan datang nak cek. So mmg x da maknanya nak masak. nasib ada fridge and microwave.(hari2 makan microwave mau botak kepala uolls) . Im not complaining.. it just that too many people ask and lama2 pening kepala nak jawab n selalu diorg akan ckp the same response. So i tell u..its not that easy. x pe.
So usually we ate at Diner, Buffalo Wing(sport's bar) and Baker's food court. Awal2 kami selalu makan kat chinese restaurant. Most Malaysian cakap makan nasi and shrimp kungpao or vege. and u know apa jugak jual kat chinese restaurant so we just tutup mata and pilih makanan yg bole makan. but skrg da mual da tekak.
p/s: x larat lagi nak tulis. wait for 2nd edition.
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