Just now, i was in an emotional fighting with my lil bro.
Its a stupid cats n dogs fighting in front of our house.
n it took quite a few minutes. lama gak la.
cause of fighting: x da issue pun. but everyone is ego n x nak mengalah.
adik yelled with his man's voice while me, I yelled like my mom's voice.. U cant imagine how it is sounds like... only nadia n syefah knows.. huhuhu..
after a few hours.. now i am regret of what ive done.
adik asked for an apology first. etil didnt mean to do that.
so as u. next time mulut tu jgn cepat melahar ek~
next time jgn buat lagi. etil pun sama.
Im sorry too, adik..
Love u so much. xoxo
From Left: My adik, me n Lee.
air dicincang tak akan putus
i know ur makcik's voice when u scream. sabar.
love u.
syahmi: huhu.. true2. lagi gaduh lagi syg kat dia.
nadia: tau x pe. mmg perit bunyik nye..
love u too nad..
hahaha. benar. kami tahu bagaimana bunyinya.
ehe :)
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