my lovely ayah, Hj Dzulkifli Mohd Zaman will go for Umra with her sister, Aiza with their niece, abg azman & kak An.My mother not joining them due to some circumstances. So i'll be staying at home & look for her.
Im happy because my father finally fulfil his dream to be back again to Mecca and doing his 4th umra. Every Ramadhan, I always heard him crying during subuh prayer hoping to be in Mecca and doing his umra or Hajj. As his age reaching nearly 62 years this year, he spend most of his time learning Quran more in-depth as most of his time before spend with working. After retirement, he started to learn everything that he left.
He is actually go to mecca to accompany abg man & his wife. Abg man is facing something like nerve problem and never been to mecca n of course need guidance from old people. N my ayah will help him to guide during umra. While Kak an is not in a good condition as her breast cancer getting worst. Ya Allah, anak2 diorg kecik2 lagi. My Allah take care of his family.
Im soooooo close to my ayah but not manja or gedik. As i wake up everyday, i always run downstairs to find them 1st. I believe everyone loves their parents very much. It is just we show it differently. Thats why i ulang alik from shah alam.. Yes, iam homesick n i want to see their face everyday.
Love ur parents and watch their face everyday as many times as u can before they left to somewhere.
My father is not yet going to mecca but i've already miss him eventhough he is actually now sleeping in his room.
Ya Allah, semoga ayahku selamat pergi dan selamat pulang.
I love u ayah & ibu.
Nanad a.k.a Noor Nadia Alias a.k.a pondan telok pulai
Esok kamu g Aussie jumpa kak ngah. Sorry x dpt anta kamu. Undertaker byk hal x settle lagi. Btw enjoy ur holiday and hope after the holiday, it will be a new nadia & coolest, toughest, gorgous and bisulnest than before...erk~~ salah sorry..
Semoga kamu sihat walafiat dan bebaik dowh influenza AH1N1 da meningkat. Pakai lah mask untuk keselamatn n kalau nak lebih hot baik kamu jahit topeng ala2 spiderman.
X payah la beli pape do ntok aku janji kamu spend duit kamu pi enjoy habis-habisan. Pi layan je la stripper club ke gay club ke.. Asalkan kamu enjoy & lupa suma benda2 yg lalu.. Sayang kamu do..
Kak ngah, rindu kamu sgt.
Sorry la x dpt contact kamu selalu.. kredit da 2 minggu x top up n internet pun pancung wifi sapa ntah berdekatan umah ni. JAga diri juga. ALang2 ada nanad kat sana, pi la buat topeng udara keselamatan. Kak ngah kan orang gaji berkelulusan Masters and Degree. PAsti bole buat suma. Kalau bole buat mask yg ada bulu2 ayam warna pink and letak bling2 kat tepi2 nye. Glam uoll.
Sayang korg sgt.
Sedey la pulak suma org yg ku sayang x da di sisi..huhuhu.. x pe ibu ada.. i'll take care my ibu.
p/s: Congrats to Hezreen & Sarah yang baru nikah tadi kat Kundang, Morib yg baru kami pergi magrib tadi. Uoll Kundang tu mmg jauh. Mcm pegi Melaka.. Sakit pinggang akak.
Good nite Taman Seri Andalas.. erk~~ andalas?? Hope tomorrow will be such a fine day. Emosi plak mlm ni.
Have a nice day!
Aku baca okar dr aussie.. bisa uolss post kamu. hehe..
rindu kamu juga. sangat2.
Gua nak jemput lu dtg kenduri kt blog gua beb..
FOLLOW skali pun xpa kasi meriah..
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